VATprism is a VATSIM Map and VATSIM Data Explorer, VATSIM being the Virtual Air Traffic Simulation Network. VATprism allows users to explore available ATC services, connected pilots, Airports, Flight and Upper Information Regions and more!
View the Project on GitHub marvk/vatprism
Data is fetched from the VATSIM API. Static data like FIR-Boundaries are updated on every startup and are sourced from the VAT-Spy Client Data Update Project.
This is most likely an issue with your Windows Fonts, more specifically with a corrupted or missing Segoe UI font. To fix this issue, reinstall Segoe UI.
This is an issue with codesign and currently, there only exists a workaround that probably has to be executed after every update.
cd /Applicationns/
codesign --remove-signature
Hopefully, I will be able to resolve this in the future so that workaround becomes unnecessary.
in C:\Program Files\VATprism
Override high DPI scaling behavior
for Scaling performed by